Soya Lecithin and Breastfeeding: Does It Work on Clogged Milk Ducts?

Soya Lecithin and Breastfeeding: Does It Work on Clogged Milk Ducts?

Biogreen Beta Oatmilk Energy is made from organic oats, flaxseed oil, soya lecithin, soya protein, nutritional yeast, barley malt and sea salt, providing a wholesome, high protein beverage for breastfeeding mothers. Oats deliver beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre which helps to improve cholesterol metabolism, improves skin complexion and promotes bowel movement. Additionally, nutritional yeast is a storehouse for B-complex vitamins for better energy metabolism and to boost breastmilk production while barley malt also contains lactogenic beta-glucan that boost breastmilk production. Besides, soya lecithin also makes the breastmilk less thick and does not clog the milk ducts. When Beta Oatmilk Energy is consumed twice on a daily basis, it can provide 60% of the daily calcium required to help with strengthening bones and teeth.

Suggested Consumption Method:
Mix 2 tablespoons (25g) Beta Oatmilk Energy with 250ml warm water (avoid hot water). Stir well and serve. Once or twice daily.

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